Cheryl Hanna Scholarship Fund

To honor the legacy of Professor Cheryl Hanna and her important work on gender equality

The Cheryl Hanna Scholarship Fund to support emerging female leaders was established by Emerge Vermont in October 2014. The Fund provides tuition assistance to one or more program members each session fulfilling Emerge Vermont’s belief that the program’s tuition cost should not be a barrier to any woman wishing to participate. Funds in excess of the amount needed for tuition assistance will be used for the general programmatic expenses of Emerge Vermont’s annual training program.

The selection of the recipients, the number of recipients and the amount of tuition assistance awarded to each recipient shall be determined by the Executive Director, with guidance from the Emerge Vermont Recruitment and Selection Committee in accordance with stated policies and procedures.

To make a contribution to the Fund, please CLICK HERE.

Past Recipients

  • Jill Pardini  – Williston
  • Lauren Sampson – Winooski
  • Thea Wurzburg – St. Johnsbury
  • Hannah Kretvix – Burlington
  • Ana Cimino Burke – Stowe
  • Rebecca White – Hartford
  • Brandy Oswald – South Burlington
  • Pabitra Bhattarai – Burlington
  • Jessica Racine – South Burlington

To make a contribution to the Fund, please CLICK HERE.

About Cheryl Hanna

Cheryl Hanna was a Professor of Constitutional Law at Vermont Law School and a graduate of Kalamazoo College and Harvard Law School. Her work on the legal and social status of women and girls is broadly published in respectable law journals, and has been cited widely, including by the United States Supreme Court and national media. She served on numerous boards and commissions, including the Council on the Future for Vermont, the Young Women and the Economy Task Force, and the Burlington City Arts Foundation. She consulted regularly with state and national organizations and law firms on gender equity issues.

An early supporter of Emerge Vermont, in 2013, Cheryl Hanna attended the launch celebration of Emerge at Hotel Vermont with her daughter, Samira. In April 2014, Cheryl enthusiastically joined Emerge Vermont’s Advisory Council to contribute her guidance and expertise toward Emerge Vermont’s mission to recruit, train and mentor Democratic women to serve in public office. In July 2014, Cheryl’s life was cut tragically short after years of struggling privately with mental health issues. The Cheryl Hanna Scholarship Fund honors her legacy and commitment to the important work of ushering in the next generation of female political leaders in Vermont.