Emerge Vermont Training Fund

Dedicated to ensuring that any program participant who wants to run for office has access to our essential training opportunities.

Contribute to the
Emerge Vermont Training Fund
to support our work to lift up emerging women and non-binary leaders. 

The New American Majority—Black, Brown, and Indigenous women, women of color, young women, LGBTQ+ women, and unmarried women—now makes up 64% of our country’s population. They are the future, and we are committed to supporting them by eliminating barriers to training with us, running for office, and getting elected at every level of Vermont government.

We created the Emerge Vermont Training Fund to support emerging women and non-binary leaders. This fund enables us to keep program costs low and also provide tuition assistance to program members in need. Our goal is to raise funds to enable us to remove financial barriers for future women and non-binary leaders to get the training they need to run and win.

At Emerge Vermont, we’re creating a “lift as you climb” culture: as our alums ascend to higher office, we want to ensure others fill the pipeline behind them. Your contribution to the Emerge Vermont Training Fund helps us reach our goal of increasing the number participants from the New American Majority and building a truly reflective government.

People who train with Emerge Vermont often experience financial challenges not just in affording tuition, but also in taking time off work, paying for childcare, and traveling. We believe no applicant accepted into our program should be prevented from participating due to lack of resources.

Each year, donors like you raise funds to provide financial assistance for participants in our Signature Training Program as well as our Emerge Vermont Local training. Please help us eliminate barriers for women and non-binary people to help them become leaders. Please make a contribution to the Emerge Vermont Training Fund today.Contribute Button

Thank you for your generosity and support of women’s leadership, and for enabling Emerge Vermont to reach our goal that our Signature Training Program’s tuition cost is not a barrier to any applicant wishing to participate.

A gift of $850 will cover the full cost of one member of the Signature Training Program Class of 2025.

Donors at the $1,000 level and above will be invited to join Emerge Vermont’s Leadership Circle. Donors at the $2,500 level and above will be invited to join our Sponsorship Circle. Click here for more information.

Checks may be mailed to Emerge Vermont, PO Box 5855, Burlington, VT 05402.