We know that the decisions made by our elected officials at the local level impact our everyday life. Emerge Vermont is celebrating the 27 Emerge alums who won their races! We are thrilled Molly Gray is our first Emerge alum to serve in statewide office!
Molly Gray * Lt. Governor
Sen. Ruth Hardy * Addison Senate
Sen. Becca Balint * Windham Senate
Rep. Mari Cordes * Addison-4
Rep. Kathleen James * Bennington-4
Jana Brown * Chittenden-1
Rep. Jessica Brumsted * Chittenden-5-2
Rep. Carol Ode * Chittenden-6-1
Rep. Jill Krowinski * Chittenden-6-3
Tiffany Bluemle * Chittenden-6-5
Gabrielle Stebbins * Chittenden-6-5
Rep. Marybeth Redmond * Chittenden-8-1
Karen Dolan * Chittenden-8-2
Alyssa Black * Chittenden-8-3
Rep. Sarita Austin * Chittenden-9-2
Kate Donnally * Lamoille-2
Katherine Sims * Orleans-Caledonia
Rep. Stephanie Jerome * Rutland-6
Rep. Kari Dolan * Washington-7
Rep. Sara Coffey * Windham-1
Rep. Emilie Kornheiser * Windham-2-1
Leslie Goldman * Windham-3
Michelle Bos-Lun * Windham-4
Rep. Becca White * Windsor-4-2
Brenda Churchill * Justice of the Peace
Cate Cross * Justice of the Peace
Jenn Wood * Justice of the Peace