Local Candidate Spotlight

February 23, 2022 6:30 pm Eastern Time (EST)


Please join us on February 23rd at 6:30 PM for Emerge Vermont’s virtual Local Candidate Spotlight, sponsored by Men for Emerge Vermont

This free event will feature Emerge Vermont alumnae who are running for selectboard and school board seats all over Vermont. And we’re excited to be joined that evening by former Speaker Shap Smith and by Susan Clark, author of Slow Democracy and nationally recognized expert on local democracy. 

Support these outstanding women as they step up as candidates for local office! RSVP for your link to this free online event.

Many thanks to Men for Emerge Vermont for sponsoring this event. You can be a sponsor too! Learn more and contribute here.



Event Date:
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
6:30 pm Eastern Time (EST)
Event Location: