Yes, that cartoon again.

Implicit biases are tough to let go of. It’s not just because they are so deeply ingrained in our society and in ourselves. It’s also because it hurts to realize we have them. It’s so much easier to criticize someone for pointing out our biases than it is… Read More

Infantilizing women is not OK.

Tim Newcomb’s cartoon in the January 19th edition of the Times Argus compares the three candidates running for the US House of Representatives. It appears to imply that experience is the most important factor for voters to consider. But whatever the primary message of this… Read More

Electing a woman to Congress requires three key elements

Senator Leahy’s retirement from the U.S. Senate in 2022 and Congressman Welch’s decision to run for his seat bring the opportunity for Vermonters to elect a woman to represent us in Congress for the first time. Three key elements must be present during the campaign season in order for… Read More

Three qualified women running for the same seat

A small political time bomb exploded in Vermont when Sen. Patrick Leahy announced last week that he would not seek reelection to the U.S. Senate. People had been speculating for months about Leahy: “Will he or won’t he step down?” So it was not a total surprise. And yet… Read More

We need more women serving at all levels of government

This commentary appeared online in VTDigger on October 13, 2021.  As VTDigger’s recent panel discussion (“The future of Vermont’s congressional representation”) shows, the Vermont political universe is preoccupied these days wondering whether Senator Patrick Leahy will run for re-election and… Read More