Getting down to business: Meet Jennifer Grant, running for State Rep in Windsor-1
When Jennifer Grant, a 2020 Emerge Bootcamp alumna, decided to run for State Representative in Windsor-1, she knew that her campaign would have to be much bigger than just herself, and bigger than just one issue. “Rather than being just for one… Read More
Meet the Candidate video – Senator Debbie Ingram, running for Lieutenant Governor
Meet the Candidate video – Brenda Siegel, running for Lieutenant Governor
Former State Representative and Emerge Board member Helen Head interviews Brenda Siegel in the video below!… Read More
Best practices in politics: Meet Havah Armstrong Walther, running for State Rep in Windsor 4-1
Havah Armstrong Walther, a 2020 Emerge alumna, has been a community activist for twenty years. Now, she’s ready to bring her skills to the State House to represent the Windsor 4-1 district. “It just made sense to be able to not just listen to all… Read More
Storytelling in the State House: Meet Marybeth Redmond, running for re-election in Chittenden 8-1
Connect. Understand. Amplify. Repeat. Marybeth Redmond, a 2018 Emerge Bootcamp alumna, is running for re-election to the Vermont House in Chittenden 8-1. Since getting elected in 2018, Redmond was appointed to the House Committee on Human Services, and the Joint… Read More
History in the making: Meet Michelle Bos-Lun, running for State Rep in Windham County
Something didn’t feel right in Michelle Bos-Lun’s classroom. “I was teaching students US history looking at US textbooks, and talking about the standard things you always hear about in our democracy- things like checks and balances and division of powers,” Bos-Lun explained in… Read More
Getting the job done: Tiff Bluemle sets her sights on the Golden Dome
“She has a nice smile, and a backbone of steel.” Tiff Bluemle couldn’t help but laugh when she recounted receiving this feedback from a state worker who was asked to evaluate her job performance. “That’s how you get things done,” Bluemle explained in… Read More
A lifetime of lending a hand and leading the way: Meet June Heston, running for State Senate in Chittenden County
June Heston, a 2020 Emerge Vermont Alumna and candidate for State Senate in Chittenden County, has devoted her life and career to serving others, and making Vermont a stronger state. Heston is a former member of the Richmond Selectboard, former CEO of Vermont’s Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and… Read More
Orchestrating change: Meet Gabrielle Stebbins, running for State Rep in Burlington’s South End
This land was made for you and me. This past Independence Day, Gabrielle Stebbins, a resident of South Burlington, took out her violin and recorded herself playing Woody Guthrie’s This Land is Your Land. Stebbins’ rendition is almost melancholy,… Read More
Director of the NEKC and Emerge alum Katherine Sims is on the Campaign Trail
Over the past six months, I’ve had the chance to speak with a number of remarkable and influential women who have completed the Emerge program. Although my time as an intern with Emerge Vermont is ending, I hope that the stories of these women continue… Read More